HOE #METOO LEIDT TOT MANNENEMANICPATIETwee mannen in pak stapten al pratend in de lift, waarbij de één spottend vroeg: ‘’wat zou zij (vrouwelijke collega) gedaan hebben om op...
THE FLOOR IS YOURS: FEMKE PLUIJMLast September I graduated as a Lifestyle Professional. And you know what? I was the lucky bastard to be granted the award for best...
KNOW WHERE YOU'RE HEADING‘Did you ever have the feeling that you did not know where you were heading?’ I did, four years ago. When I started at Fontys I just...
"VAN INTERNATIONAL LIFESTYLE STUDIES NAAR WHYWHAT!"Oktober vorig jaar heb ik de opleiding International Lifestyle Studies afgerond. Ik ben blij en trots dat ik mijn diploma in handen heb...
THE FLOOR IS YOURS | LIEKE VAN WILPENOur new Alumni of the Month is Lieke van Wilpen, graduated in 2016 and taking over the workfield rapidly. In this column, “the floor is...